i nostri 6 tests


SALUS will give you your results and all you need to know about how to make useful modifications to your diet and lifestyle in order to benefit your health and wellbeing.

This test analyses 25 genes that provide information in fields of personalized medical prevention.

With SALUS you can identify polymorphisms that may indicate predisposition to some disease conditions.


page1image256 will make recommendations based on how your body builds muscles, recovers from exercise, and utilizes nutrients according to natural variations in your personal genetic code. By understanding how your genetic profile affects your well-being and fitness potential, FIT will help you take charge of optimizing your physical fitness and conditioning by specifying nutritional and lifestyle options related to your genetic profile


The AGEING panel provides information about the potential effect of your individual genetic variation on your overall esthetic health and well-being.


Il test PHARMA analizza i fattori genetici ereditari che creano differenze tra le persone nell'azione dei farmaci. Permette di ottimizzare la terapia farmacologica del paziente riducendo al minimo i potenziali effetti collaterali.




The genetic test OFTA  concerns only the genetic risk. For the global clinical risk assessment the integration of genetic data with behavioral data and medical history of the subject are required.


MedinVitagen CALV is a test to examine genetic variation in the genes coding for the androgen receptor (AR), ectodysplasin A (EDAR ) and in a region of chromosome 20 that is strongly linked to male pattern baldness according to recent genome wide research.